Nothing is that

13 April 2011

crop circles, the gameteus principle and doing laundry

Everything Is This
Nothing is that
08 April 2011
Crop circles, the gameteus principle and doing laundry.

-You mentioned reading Darpa MTO and HAARP, I have no idea what you are really talking about, but you also mentioned, how these expected advancements might affect mankind and this touches on the subject on top of my list; which is the Gameteus principle. It is spread here and there in my stories bios and especially where it surfaced-the book of maybes, and I like to sound out with you in its full chromatic concept, its suggested the way, I like to upload the book of maybes on AD, as part of a trilogy , upload the whole things, but I am not technically able to, so I am going to try LULU. Now as I was saying, there is this expected earth change in frequency and alignment and a subsequent triggering mechanism that might create a great shift of conscoiusness to a higher level . Very interesting and I may be wrong but the Gameteus concept as I see it , I still regard it as more probable, and sure to continue to operate as it did for eons on the model of conception and in particular to the sperm race. Or more appropriately - the urge to conjoin and engender the other... the third. This of course a scenario in global, no, indeed cosmic proportion. If I am right , mine, your and anyone else' priority is not to save or help the other gametes to fulfill the false purpose not at all! It is to be considered a race ad majora and the reason nature in her profligate ways provides the necessary legions is not to have legions, nor nations or tribes such as Israel or all the tribes of this world and other worlds to march triumphantly to their fulfillment of their unique quest and finally complete the structure of the grand design.. not at all !!, Iit is not fot us to question if this or that will work for humanity, but much more precisely - will this work for me or someone like me, a pathfinder. And of course then it would work for the whole, just as the two gametes do for an entirly ney being as they cojoin. So, It may be set up that way and as in fertilization the one successful gamate that will complete this quest and the infinite cosmos are on a rendezvous, and only these two fundamental and complimentary elements are nrcessary for the conclusion of the whole grand scheme. How else could so much strife, injustice be explained? It is not man's task to save humanity nor other species nor even earth, putting effort in such a religious undertaking is only a distraction and as such another impediment on the competitors. To accomplish the task it is not necessary to elevate billions of simple minds , but for one special single individual to run away with it and succeed in placing the keystone that will complete and lock the arch which will support the bridge.
**S** - [deleted - no longer applicable since current revision has changed some of the intermediates presuppositions- my apologies ]

-There is so much more to it. For now I just wanted to present the proposition and so that it could be evaluated,,, i believe so terse and selfish an explanatory concept may be novel and as such difficult especially since we have been fed pablum for ever,
**S**-Looking hearing more from you. The dead are all around us. Let us remain living, even amongst the chaos around us. Sound the charge!
-Hah ha! Well said, MINI CHARGE i EXPECT couple of Sancho Panza and a couple of dons, hard to tell who is who. . But speaking of charge, have you by chance read the meeting with the shaman at box lake and my lecture to a little water nymph, in - the book of maybes -that is , a lot of is said there in more pleasant form. One simple example of how my gametei race or demolition derby may be demonstrated ads mandated by the cosmos own character and attributes is possible to see using the current celestial event and expected change in frequency, alignment an a bit of imagination to build a disturbingly but realistic scenario . Lets assume that the past 25000 years the frequency emanated by mother earth to its living inhabitants was a frequency that promoted selfishness, agonism, conflict with a soupcon of ethos as the sugar coating that makes the pill easier to swallow, ethical fancies that are actually promoting division and therefore conflict. Now the earth is about to change its alignment and sort of reverse itself... Now I am not saying that the new frequency and polarity or what have you are going to reverse the effect on the living population upon this magic ball, but say it did. One morning we would wake up to a world full of perfect, absolute perfect Christians. People without Vanity , without greed , without fears and so on, This is a disaster!, A complete disintegration of those basic and compelling human emotions which have created a growing and evolving supporting system which although horrendously expensive and abhorrent did t effectively sustain and guide our specie in all its activities and promoted further evolution along those proven lines. These would suddenly or in time fail and there would be nothing of the required stimulating level to replace it.. The mental and emotional structure as well as all structured systems on which humans depended for much of their history would fail and the net result would be even more disastrous than a global nuclear war, the specie would be brought to the brink of total extinction.... and indeed this may happen, and depending on the scale and the wide angle of logic one may employ to comprehend this reality, it may in the ultimate aim prove right and correct... ain’t that a corker! hallelujah! or at least -let us be realists, idealists is too much pain.
-can you see the new order mmm, nibiru misterious reapperence coming out of the prufundity of ignorance, the alignment (alignement! ) , the arcane expectation of new dawn felt by all yet not so;;; surprise!!!!!!!!!, and you see the singularity, like the single gamete in a murderous race of million gametes, an this one , one changing everything as he plunges his being unto the awakening of both their unity bright as the sun, and the whole infinite cosmic dance is consummeted into the touching and transfiguration of the body of two parts of gnosys... there is no glory no himn , but light rises and everything is new ... it is done my sun ..done ..
Gameteus is not the one who comes to save all, but to justify all...'look at the bizantine iconic face of christ and it is like a splendid, sun, ant that is you, look at the far galactic field , and that is you, look at the quantum wir it is you
so you se the new order is not going to be a big party, most will not be invited though all will benefit in some equitable way, But the new order will be based on the one on one mode; gameteus and the whole , one consciousness, one measureless something

Posted by the sint at 8.4.11  .   

SO...Ideas have their seasons- said Gameteus- and this is the season for crops circles.
A wonderful mind somewhere is expressing itself... in a novel way with a still unknown power... And I bet you "everything" that, this extraordinary human, doesn't know Hesheit is doing it.
Were he capable of doing or organizing the doing of such fantastic works and also be aware of it, he could not help boasting and with great alacrity proving to the world that he indeed is the author of such feats! In the dark, overnight, even with a platoon of skilled helpers.... No I do not think this is physically possible , but I strongly believe it is mentally possible , and what I see as being the message of this great phenomenon ,is that these are but a scherzoso sample of the things that are coming. That concepts, ideas ,mankind is entering a new season, maturing a new faculty.
Crop circles  And doing laundry
*starman* sggested that they may be satanic, but I adhere to the theory that there never was any angelic influence in art and communication and as it regards to invention - from fire to  spearhead to atomic bomb- there can be non  doubt.  Only one thing still  bothers me about the beautiful appearances, that the majority are so close to a military base , oh no , yeah another thing is thta they hav evolved so much in 4 decades. This suggest that they are not from ET superior intelligence for obvious reason,  Artistically too they have  a human flair,  I doubt that a much supeior intelligence would be so indulgent then there is the fact that they respond to the events of the day... which  they did not at the beginning of the c.c. era. So if they are -as  I believe- the product of  human mind  I have two things to say, they are not mine, and if the military at that base are fooling around with some smart tTesla  device I wish they would stop or that some one would blow the wistle. 
The UFO - by the way= have shown consistency in design and performance so I would attribute them to ET  or our own future capability. The fact that they are so numerous  now is due to obvious reason and one that I believe was first reported by C.Colombo, when  in his encounter with some native at the beach he realized tha the native could not see the ships anchored in plain sight. Mental Scotoma has its purpose  otherwise like  most other  characteriics of any species it would not be there. Nature can be spendrift in trying new things but never in holding on to old ones that do not work.  So  as the saying goesd _ Is not that they have arrived,  but they have been hidden from us mostly, and now they are revealed. My guess is that UFOs  are just some minute wave lenght separete from us. And they may be the future... Like some scientists hold that there may be paralle; universes in which in onje I am in another  I am not,  well I have beeen thinking sitting on the can, that maybe my saying ( When I mover I rearrange the universe) is true, because if there are infinite universes in which I am indifferent modes lets say, to get from the kitchen with a cop of coffee to the bathroom I am just going through a small and familiar serie of modes. But then I just like to play with ideas... but if  by chance there is something to this one , I have dispensed in one little trip with time, space,gravity elecromagnetism et al and have basecally united everything in one big- very big telephone book of concepts which requires neither pages nor doing fingerwalking in time, everything is the laundry cycle jst came to a stop.

Ok, I have taken care of the laundry...  and I have taken care of it without using time or spqace as I did to gon to the bathroom , but just though a concatenantion of modes which are the stuff of dreams are  made of, which do not need time _ and this I know personally,  nor space because they are thoughts concepts  but neet the concepts of time and space , matter and energy as a language to tell the dommy what his experiences represent., which lead  the mind to sormulate and concatenate and  resolve other  concepts in this grand theater untill I suppose,  all possibility are examined and eventually one is lead to the grand resolution of  everything.
Then I will not need to do the laundry or sit on the can  because once I know, reaslly know, it is no longer necessary to go through all the modes .  In short I have arrived. And I think that the final act is the one  which all the modes that we go through are determined to avoid by whatever means.  That they have to in facts, since they are the necessary steps to arrive at the conclusion, which however having arrived at, is not not only an unecessary precaution, but the major last impediment   . 
Heck,  this is all part of the grand theater of maybes, but it may be a form of entertainment that is didactic even in those cases when it is wrong.
and maybe not.

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