Nothing is that

05 September 2011

Novus Imperium

Latest tracks by Novus Imperium


j said...

More to come...

Unknown said...

this is what your generatioon will have to look back in half a century?

j said...

I hope they're looking forward.. nostalgia is a phantasmal master..

Eric said...

This world is aught BUT nostalgia

Unknown said...

i was nt thinking of recapturing it, i couldnt stretch my imagination that far... i was tinking more in terms of crops. fruits accomplishments,

Unknown said...

rsathger can you tell me something about the death g-nome, how can it never fail? is it some god

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

i got it , nah, me so stupid! A trillion cells, a trillion mechanisms cannot fail.... wait a minute! what about the amoeba? geee! there i go again.

Unknown said...

two good pipe cleaners

Eric said...

Speaking of brains and single celled orgasms i mean organisms

Unknown said...

you are beinf foetishious!

Unknown said...

the young use words as fancy noise-makers.
I did.

Unknown said...

malher's 8th finale, if you wanna be in God's brain on a very good day

Unknown said...

....ah, still falling for
the perfect kind of hell...
please forgive me.

Unknown said...

vox clamanti... ok, change of tack- You know how some fruits ripen nowadays?
When enough people have squeezed them to see if they are ripe.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

occasionally children are interviewed
on TV about some major events, and it is so revealing to hear them express what they believe is their opinion on the matter. It never stops, this process just moves to higher more intellectually elevated levels expressing itself without ever being truly comprehended by anyone.

Unknown said...

... Decades later one my find out that he knows something he has known all his life in a very different way.
Not like something he has picked up, understood and filed away for future use, but something that has suddenly settled down in his psyche, has been absorbed as integral living part part of himself.

Unknown said...

And the opposite of course also accurs. Hard to say which one comes more as an unsettling surprise.

Unknown said...

I have been listening steadily for two weeks now, to lenny directing and commentary on -das lied and the 9th- by mahler.
I found out- 30 years ago when i left my wife and kids with a small pack sac and went traveling with somethig better than a walkman and one cassete that there are two types of music. One , you can play as you go and then move on , and another that you cannot insert into your routine as background noise, but on the contrary you have to sub your routine to it. It has to start your day and close it allowing you only to casually perform your work or chores throu the day as secondary as background noise. On my cassette , i had Monn's cello and another piece, hayden cello, on the other side the four seasons. pretty vigorous and upbeat stuffaccording to my mood of adventure and new beginning. I listen to it as I hitched rides an throuhout the days, for maybe two years , and went i settled in for the night I played through the speakers to include my surroundings as well as myself in the music. surrounding like an abbandoned twelve century watch tower over the amalfitan costiera , or a little nearly inaccessible bay near santa agata which smugglers used for rendevouz on new moon nights. Up on a high alpine refuge on The Grand paradiso which i dare to climb to in the off season and which nearly killed me. then down to puerto angel and puerto escondido in mexico, and finally the canadian rockies and the frazer canion where I decided to god pan in order to supplement my diet. Wherever i went these three pieces of music were my main interest and attention and the chores and other doings a backdrop to them. the rocky walls of the canyon reverberated these strange exotic sounds,as did the tropical forest east of p. angel.The saracen tower over positano as did the dark lofty crags of the gran paradiso. I spent two years enveloped and absorbed into those pieces of as I made my way through all those places feeling as though I had never stepped out of my secure blissful zone. It was awesome! - Now just when-on the wake of a grand failure of mine, i needed it most , i came upon these two videos that are the musical resurrection of the spirit of Gameteus. and the music is so deep, so laden with meaning and sentiment that there is no ways to just listen to it.

Unknown said...

few words are left... after a while i am floating in it like on an ocean , and distant are its shores of reality. the music has inebrieted me, it has drifted me away , i have abandoned myself to it and the mountain or the canyon that hear it are just glass like reflections in the sky. And so -down here - floating on it- is i!

Unknown said...

ran out of room so a few words are left... after a while i am floating in it like on an ocean , and distant are its shores of reality. the music has inebrieted me, it has drifted me away , i have abandoned myself to it and the mountain or the canyon that hears it are just glass like reflections in the sky. And so -down here -on a shimmering surface- floating away, is i!

Unknown said...

then there is of course , music , even beatiful music, such as eine kleine nacht musik , which once heard i would not care if I ever hear it again.. finally there are contrived attempts at music, such as the ones posted here, that are mainly attempts at finding a vehicle in order to de noticed in a very loud pond.

j said...

the ceaseless croaking of frogs

j said...

What I would give to hear them again upon a starry summer night...

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