Nothing is that

29 June 2011

foisted free will and derivative choices.

Eric keeps trying to convince himself that he paints because he can,  And he can indeed!  But is`it his choice entirely? let's have a quick look.
  Where it not for crucial and fortuitous omissions neither philosophy nor reason altogether would be considered stimulating or even  necessary. And so we may continue to debate free will ad nauseam  provided we persist  ignoring  that all  choices which we may be presented with  during our lifetime derive from our being of which we had no say whatever in the first place.
 I decided to be and therefore to be who I am, as much as a maple leaf or a toad. In fact the only characteristic that distinguishes me from anything in existence is my ability to see through the veil of self deception  and  reveal the sacrosanct, omnipotent and unique will, within which i am  allowed to opt out of  this grand and most beguiling of all illusions. 

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