Nothing is that

29 March 2011

The Light of Dreams

Sick with a miserable cold that will linger for days

I heal so slowly .. Had the most intensely luminous dreams, though.. The light of THIS world pales by comparison to the light in those dreams.. This light is generally the same, or so it seems.. But the light in dreams can be as dim as fog, or as bright as touch

Why thus? Because self luminous is all dreaming ! I've said it before and will say it again! Behold the miracle: You lie in the dark, eyes closed, in the cave of sleep, and "fiat lux!!" C, you once said you thought you were getting why i am enthralled by dreams

Because of these things and because, dreams reveal the truth: We ourselves are the Creator.

We make the light that fills the world. This is the not-so-secret that dreams reveal to us

If i am a god i have divided myself into a googolplex of consciousnesses and am dreaming this staggering universe. And that's the marvel of this layer

Just as, last night, i dreamt i had climbed the tallest pine tree at Golden Anchor (at the southern end of Clear Lake, now called Bookers Cottages) and was looking out over the lake, and it was SO LUMINOUS.. I could even feel, TOUCH the light.. and when i did it rippled, like in The Matrix, .. but no better.. And there is no photo, no image now before me, no movie or acid reality, that is more luminous than that light, seeing the lake, the island, the water, all in this light the likes of which i cannot describe, and then the hush of the wind in the pine needles, and i am there hanging on and this light i can FEEL the light on my skin, no not heat, LIGHT..What does light feel like? I can't tell you. And my heart is just .. something... and i think to myself, "I am dreaming, this is a dream.." But i don't want to wake up; i want to stay here.. And in the same moment i also am aware that i cannot do that. I also know or rather feel, that this moment itself has become eternity, has shut time itself right out.. That after i "wake" this moment is still complete, pure, eternal.. (Have not the sages of the ages always said thus? And now you too C., did you not recently write to me: "Eternity has nothing to do with time; Infinity has nothing to do with space"? Or something like that?)

Not to want to wake up, that is the holy answer of the bodhisatvas is it not? Waking is just another layer of dreaming, and until you see both of those, you can't make that choice, but once you do.. You can.. You can say yes, in spite of it all, yes, this dream within a dream.. Yes, or that one too

This very place is the Lotus Land of Purity,
This very body is the Body of the Buddha.

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