Nothing is that

04 May 2011

omnipotence once

There is cause and effect- there is the priority of the actual,- then there is unity... I think that is where both are but one... so I meander, I hiperbolate, I overstate, I err but I have never been so magnificently off the mark in understating a concept as when i said that faith intimates risk. It is embarassing to me just to feel that it needs to be mentioned here. I mean it is so blatant an idiocy to claim faith on a sure thing. It is like saying that I have a strong belief that the sun will rise tomorrow and I am willing to place a wager on that.

Christian dogma will have you believe that Jecus Christ (both of them) have died for your sins. Just believe that and the deal is sealed, your reward awaits in heaven. And to think that early christianoty was known as the religion of suffering! I Keep talking about religion and in particular christianity because it says so much about us. According to Jesus sspiritual progress demands great sacrifiices and therefore strong faith, (citations). The early Christians displayed such strenght Then came Paul and then Constantine and the bishop[s and they begot Christ and look at it now! Christianity is the religion of total comfort. It asks next to nothing of its adherents; Just a pep talk and a sing song once a week if not too inconvenient and a Thank you Lord! now and then. It is the religion of spiritual paupers, or of the idiots, for the idiots by the idiots. I have nothing against idiots, I come from a long line of idiots. Some of my best frioends were idiots and I ,myself, am an idiot much more often as not. Nature needs idiots. What I loath is the exploitation of idiots and even worse, I despise those institutions that are dedicated to the prevention of the emancipation of idiots. So, now now now... to make amend for that, I could try to overstate the meaning and significance of faith, true faith, the faith that not only involves risk but of exponentially increased risk as a proportionately greater reward is contemplated . When you are prepared to risk everything to overcome the chasm and the darkness within, faith and gnosis become one, and so does the will and the act become one, and one is no longer in the grasp of duality, but in what we often refer to without proper understanding the state of unity. On the narrow ledge, you are fearful mortal clinging to life. Step into your worse fear -and you are God.
When cause and effect become one and the same, one attains omnipotence.

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