Nothing is that

05 May 2011

choosing a teacher

How the hell can one choose a suitable teacher on a subject of which one is lacking knpowledge understanding? One would have to know how good the teacher is - which would imply knowledge of the subject. Either that or one has to decide to follow a large number of people who could not judge and must have decided on a hunch, personality or fad. How else would one who does not know choose the right spiritual teacher? I listened to sri sri something or other. He was, I think , providing a justification to those who chose him. and he was playing it safe. You are but a drop in the ocean- You must Love - surrender ..

To hell with that. Leaders promoting dependency. So I left my card.

i am gameteus, the conscious half of everything! I am not a drop in the ocean, i am the essence and awareness of the ocean! I am gameteus, i look up at the starry sky and behold my greatness.

Unless I am Gameteus (Brahman). I failed

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When you are ready the teacher will find you

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