Nothing is that

29 March 2011

The Light of Dreams

Sick with a miserable cold that will linger for days

I heal so slowly .. Had the most intensely luminous dreams, though.. The light of THIS world pales by comparison to the light in those dreams.. This light is generally the same, or so it seems.. But the light in dreams can be as dim as fog, or as bright as touch

Why thus? Because self luminous is all dreaming ! I've said it before and will say it again! Behold the miracle: You lie in the dark, eyes closed, in the cave of sleep, and "fiat lux!!" C, you once said you thought you were getting why i am enthralled by dreams

Because of these things and because, dreams reveal the truth: We ourselves are the Creator.

We make the light that fills the world. This is the not-so-secret that dreams reveal to us

If i am a god i have divided myself into a googolplex of consciousnesses and am dreaming this staggering universe. And that's the marvel of this layer

Just as, last night, i dreamt i had climbed the tallest pine tree at Golden Anchor (at the southern end of Clear Lake, now called Bookers Cottages) and was looking out over the lake, and it was SO LUMINOUS.. I could even feel, TOUCH the light.. and when i did it rippled, like in The Matrix, .. but no better.. And there is no photo, no image now before me, no movie or acid reality, that is more luminous than that light, seeing the lake, the island, the water, all in this light the likes of which i cannot describe, and then the hush of the wind in the pine needles, and i am there hanging on and this light i can FEEL the light on my skin, no not heat, LIGHT..What does light feel like? I can't tell you. And my heart is just .. something... and i think to myself, "I am dreaming, this is a dream.." But i don't want to wake up; i want to stay here.. And in the same moment i also am aware that i cannot do that. I also know or rather feel, that this moment itself has become eternity, has shut time itself right out.. That after i "wake" this moment is still complete, pure, eternal.. (Have not the sages of the ages always said thus? And now you too C., did you not recently write to me: "Eternity has nothing to do with time; Infinity has nothing to do with space"? Or something like that?)

Not to want to wake up, that is the holy answer of the bodhisatvas is it not? Waking is just another layer of dreaming, and until you see both of those, you can't make that choice, but once you do.. You can.. You can say yes, in spite of it all, yes, this dream within a dream.. Yes, or that one too

This very place is the Lotus Land of Purity,
This very body is the Body of the Buddha.

10 March 2011

Bradley Manning versus The Rest Of Us Sheep

Written by C:

Is anyone so bereft of intellect and memory to believe that the national security of the United States is at stake, and not that their gunboat policy has taken a torpedo on the port side and they are mad as heck, because they were having a ball with their unimpeded, unquestioned, covert & shameful operations? They have been doing it since before young Manning's parents were born. Nay, perhaps his grandparents; before my time anyway. But I recall some. Enough! Mossadek Lumumba, the Shah, Allende, Castro, Rhee, Guatemala and all the Central American banana plantations .If ever the United States are pushed against the wall and become out and out Nazis it will be like a breath of fresh air for a change for anyone that has endured such hypocrisy as Vietnam, Iraq etc .

Like one of the characters in Waking Life says, laziness is the most common human trait, fear then reinforces the bleating majority to rededicate itself to their first trait, keep grazing as long as the grazing is good and let the dirty work go unseen.

In a democracy freedom is the index of the passivity that the institution has been able to cultivate in its constituents .. We need more people like Noam, Julian and especially Bradley.

I no longer have the energy and passion that the subject deserves and would set ablaze the spirit of a Zola, or modestly my own heart a few decades ago. Yet what I can gather and pass on I will , and this is the conviction that since any army will unavoidably include within its ranks elements of low moral character and even outright trigger-happy murdering psychopaths, and so that such behavior should never elicit a policy of laissez faire it would be hoped that other elements of good character and high ethics would not only be present but indeed be encouraged and rewarded to police and curb such extreme misbehavior and brutalities. In the case of this young soldier and without a doubt in many other cases, this is not at all so. In fact whistle blowing, in even minor combat situations is taboo and hardly ever happens. When it does happen it is dealt with with the utmost severity. The problem lies in an illegal and immoral practice of inculcating a sense of fellowship that goes beyond any social criterion of bondage and then, what tops it all, is that the soldier is forced to swear an oath of allegiance to the corps and the nation whom it is sworn to serve and protect, that not only does not reflect the moral standard which the individual may have successfully adopted in his civil life, but in fact prohibits any reference or considerations to it. . A soldier who has sworn an oath of allegiance to his comrades and his nation has ipso facto compromised his humanity and his higher ethics. A young man may have taken the oath convinced that the oath to his regiment , flag and constitution was tantamount to an oath to the greatest ideals of man, may alas soon find out to be anything but that. Knowing this to be true now, he is faced with a grim choice, to denigrate his humanity by betraying what he considers the best possible definition of his existence and purpose or betray the group to which he has in good faith sworn allegiance. The choice he is presented with is either to obey the dictates of his conscience or to betray his group facing group retaliation and court martial. In sum an oath that does not reflect the highest aspiration of man is no better than an oath to a criminal organization and cannot in any ways be considered legal and binding. What could cause this protocol to lose its nefarious influence? The regimentation of more young men capable of making crucial distinctions! And who, upon consideration, would have the fortitude to risk adversity in order to be among those who actually resisted; those who remained more loyal than loyal, those who contributed to the ideals that had inspired them in the first place.

I hope there are a lot of legal, social and philosophical great minds at work on this event. that like the Vietnam war on TV implicates in various degrees all of us into the cloacal turpitude when national interests are placed above all other considerations.

There is no substitute for victory!” Claimed proudly president Reagan. If so- alas! the accurate and proper measure of this ape, is still, the size of his stick.

To conclude, I believe that no oath of allegiance that compels a member to behave against his higher personal and civil ethics can be regarded as legal or binding. If the member has behaved against his association but in the interest of a higher public aspiration his conduct should be regarded as exemplary! Another urgent consideration is our subdued attitude to those who we elect to govern., which being elected by the people are ultimately accountable at every stage of their term and at every level and branch to the electorate and must be compelled to justify all their activities covert or public. According to the scenes I viewed it is difficult for me to conceive that it isn't the army, its officers and the government that is not standing in judgment. If the people are willing to let the government proceed with its own interests and agendas in mind, in a loose interpretation of what constitute a threat and what is in the public best interest to know or not to know, it will not be only the Bradleys and the Assanges that will pay for such abuses of interpretation of power and the obscene policies they promote, but every one, every where.

07 March 2011

Bradley Manning vs National Shame.

Extraordinary things happen to all people, but extraordinary people doing extraordinary things make the jelly principles of governments quiver dangerously. Bradley Manning is in chains accused of betraying his country as if shame should be viewed as a national security issue. Julian Assange has made the shame public and for it the shameful nation wants to prosecute him for espionage and are using other jelly nations to extradite him on a case that is not in any away related to it. There is enough shame here to go around for everyone, and it is made possible, indeed founded on, - the dependable and shameful condescendence of the quietly bleating majority.

02 March 2011

01 March 2011

CHASING THE DEVIL (from -the book of maybes-)

Ten principles from the book of maybes.

1 No one can plant a cabbage for its sake.
2 I am not living my life, life is living me.
3 aLL activity is product of imbalance.
4 Love discriminates and is evil.
5 The only two things that are exclusively mine are my folly and my death.
6 Death is the ultimate and most forbidden beatitude.
7 All history is present history.
8 Tolerance rides high or low on the economy.
9 All is mathematical expression Ugh, the devil made me say that. I can’t vouch for it but speaking of the devil, I saw him once. He came in a vision you might say. Others get the Virgin, God, Christ, Buddha or whoever, it just shows you how far I must have strayed from the straight an narrow. Further than Pogo maybe, because I came face to face with him and peered deep into his eyes. It only lasted a second maybe, but I downloaded a lot of information in that moment.
I found myself in a dark open space, not so dark like on a moonless cloudy night way out in the boonies when it is as dark as being inside a cow. It was a grey kind of dark place, and I felt an overpowering conviction that my enemy, the devil in person, was nearby. I started running,just as I got up to full speed three other guys appeared beside me,obviously running for the same reason. We all came to a sudden stop and took a few seconds to size up the situation which was so obvious that there was no need to say anything, we were allies. Strangely we also all looked the same. And not only that, we all wore the same clothes and hats (Fedoras!) and so we all looked like Harrison Ford in one of his Sagas. The only difference, which was crucial to me, was that the others carried weapons. One of them had a baseball bat, another a pitchfork and the third, which was closest to me had a shining brand new carpenter’s hand-saw with a kink in it. Their intent clearly was to catch the devil, clobber him, stab him and then saw his legs off… I had to have a weapon. Oddly enough given the momentous situation, that kink bothered me. Any fool knows that you can ruin a beautiful instrument like that by putting too much pressure on the push stroke. That you must let the tool do its job, controlling your impatience or haste. So I was staring down at that kink, which I knew could never be straightened, as I reached for it and indignantly ripped the tool from his hand. It surprised me that I felt no resistance at all.A moment later the four of us were running to beat the band around a dome-like knoll. And we ran and ran round and round this mound when it occurred to me that we were chasing and trying to catch up with the devil himself, not some stupid criminal. I imagined that it woukd be as easy as pie for him to always be where anyone least expected. On the opposite side of the knoll maybe, or on top of it laughing his head off. And that if we climbed to the top he would be underneath, and if we tunnelled underneath he would be at the top again, and that we might keep at it for ever which is just what he may have planned with the stupid chase. I stopped abruptly and the others followed suit evidently puzzled. if they could not conceive of a reason for me to desist and that did it for me. It took care of any lingering doubts; I just knew that those dodos would keep running round and around the dome for ever. So I went to hand the saw back and as I was doing this I happened to look up at his face and our eyes locked for a second. I recognized him! There was no doubt and the expression in his eyes told me that he knew it. I hesitated momentarily and in that instant I was able to examine and reflect upon an enormous amount of data and arrive at a decision. I realizes that if I kept quiet about it he would be forced to run ROUND THE KNOLL FOR EVER in order to cover up his identity and to escape the fate they had planned for him. Perfidiously I smiled as I forced the saw back in and say nothing to the others. The expression in his eyes changed in a flash. It now said with total resignation as clear as any tongue or writ could convey: -I thought you might do devil!
Ha-ha! Coming from him it was a real compliment! There was indeed something diabolical about my decision and his predicament was something familiar to me. What was it? Had I revealed his identity to the others, his ordeal of chasing himself for ever in order to survive would have been over. I had no idea how this related to me, but I knew it did. Right after that the threesome kicked up their heels and were driven off in their relentless pursuit.

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