Nothing is that

28 February 2011


unless1. Deliverance comes tremendous

2- I am not living but- being lived. I came into the world of Angela's ashes and it looks like I will quit it before it has turned into a global Luna Park; half is already and the other half busting its guts to join, so I will be spared the worst. Recreational reader- move on...

3. Come upon a patch of clover, most will look for a four leaflet, and I for a two. So Talk to God, write a poem a day, make a child, eat an air plane, climb Everest, conquer the world... Blblblh! Endless bondage devices for the (hapless slaves of the great spell)...MMMH, perhaps I should say instead- ...the indefatigable shuttling bees weaving at the enchanted loom... but, then "Cruelty" was forwarded to me and nah, I have to confess my misfortune. Among men I have met only slaves, actors and thieves.

4. Life for homo mecanicus, is a sequence of pleasure seeking obsessive activities that constantly increase in scale and tempo in proportion to his improving economy and technology but show no sign whatever of satiating him to a corresponding moderating effect on his demands. It seems that soon the number one industry in the world will not be food and security but toys and amusements, and the number one threat to the planet- rampant runaway pursuit of pleasure. Have a good day!

5. Unless this planet is soon to be involved in a spectacular cosmic collision, the future looks grim.

6. - So what is truth? -That which the mind does not allow into the garden of earthly delights. Speaking of which...

7. But then there is THIS!...

WORSHIP YOURSELF. Worship of Gods and idols is the barren daughter of fear, distraught and out of control she absconds with the still-born souls of the supplicants. So I say: WORSHIP YOURSELF!... Consider your self-nature divine and worthy of this reflection. And in so doing you will move steadily--shedding all vain and material impediments--towards your divine state.

8. A myth persists in mythology that we have lost and forgotten the wisdom of the ancients. Like the Pelagian heresy it continues to intimate that we were wiser when the whole world was a complete mystery to us and we were more considerate to mother earth when the need to survive was so immediate and crucial that it would preclude any such luxury. Somehow the aura of the noble savage persists, yet the truth must be that in spite of our evidently growing excesses the number of wise people and the quality of their wisdom is greater today than ever before, and moreover, that this trend will continue but to no avail since the chaos and the power of destructive forces wielded by the multitude will increase much more than needed to overwhelm the more graceful character.

In a hard economy the elderly are encouraged to die as soon as possible. In a prosperous economy they are encouraged to "live" as long as possible. In the first case the heart is hardened, in the second the mind softened. Evolution would have to malfunction to get the heart and the mind working together at their optimum potential...

9. This would seriously undermine its function. Unless that is, its aim is not grandiose as it might be inferred, but humble. By Giorge! (George) Is it not possible that the aim of this infinitely prodigious event is a sweet little whisper? Something like a babe's – Mam-ma? “Follow your bliss!” was his endearing imperative which effectively eliminated the whole population of the third world and then some! Is there anything more ungracious than the piety of the privileged?

10. In youth, death is absent and truth is everywhere. With age, death becomes more and more present as truth becomes more and more absent.

11. The most pleasing combination often is a good lie, a half truth and cheerful conviction.

12. ...And the overman has to subdue both his egoism and his altruism. To be partial to anything is to be separate from everything else.

13. Family as a unit places number 2 in the sequence starting with egoism and then followed by tribalism, nationalism, imperialism etc, but it is the base unit for a system which escalates and quickly subsumes the individual who inspired it and all his attributes... arts and sciences and everything... a big can of worms ... ah that Overman! ...

14. On Freddy.

The great hypochondriac must have so despised his feebleness and meekness (body and character) that he was compelled to produce a philosophy around an Olympian-type super hero who would be both invincible gladiator and inimitable poet for the sole purpose of humiliating himself out of existence.

His classic comic hero could take anything that life threw at him and overcome in style and with his spare time and energy destroy, with Spartan cold-bloodedness, all lesserlings… This was his concept of the Overman and the conduct he advocated as man’s greatest and most noble, which not only perfectly belied and mocked his well known condition but at the same time established a precedent of machismo which would inflict on all men a small measure of his wretchedness. So among other things we do not share the same idea of Overman...

15. Gameteus looks up at the starry sky and beholds his greatness, while Freddy's Overman seeks excellence in the stercuriculous pit.

16. One is never as vulnerable as when absolutely certain.

17. On numbers.

The Trinity--I said to mountain man Camozzi--is essentially: subject, object and awareness. The fourth is unnecessary and therefore free to express anything and all things. And so there is maybe. The Great Maybe.

18. It is not chance that the first three are primes and the fourth is factorable to itself and to 1 and 2 but not to 3. It is elegantly inevitable.... and more, maybe every thing builds out to infinite combinations with three essential components and a superfluous fourth. Four numbers, four elements. four dimensions, G.A.C.T, etc. Even God (Everything) is said to be omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent in virtue of which He/It becomes omnilatent.

19. Man is strung up on the rack of his two extremes. So I have resumed mentally reciting the Ave and the Pater simultaneously and consecutively as I explore this trail. I may be bragging but now and then to my endless mental drone I have to add the tricky task of rolling a smoke. Perfection sucks!

20. He might just as well have said: "Fiat Tenebrae!" I would have still come up with "I am wonderful, wonderfully lost for a wonderful moment" And the cup of coffee would have appeared before me again this morning...

Years ago I entered the forest at its darkest point and became lost. I wandered on the pages of this--the darkest proposition--willing to pay the ultimate price for a conclusion. When, through a tear in the canopy, a flicker of light twinkled down into this consciousness. And it became whole again…

21. Fiat Tenebrae!- I exclaimed playfully. And by Jiminy if the light didn’t come on with it and in all the right places! In it, the angels did not rebel, the devil did not sneak into the garden, Adam and Eve did not mess up and the Nephilim did not bring disgrace. But for sure, the creative force bloomed into all forms and abided in them and lost itself with them just as lost as I was in the dark forest. Moreover, in the intentional confusion that followed, one of these creatures wrongly assumed that they “had eaten” of the forbidden fruit when in fact they were that living fruit. This wrong assumption engendered a sense of ego in these creatures which completed the obfuscation. With a separate ego numberless creatures drifted further and further from their origin. In appearance at least, they withered and died. But the creative force itself cannot be extinguished. Eventually the cycle had to be concluded. Creator-Creation-Creator. Or if you will, God-Man-God. In fact any similar combinations can be used to define the magic drama… even Peek-a-boo. So a caveat would have been contradictory and in any case it would not have been about the forbidden fruit, but rather that of the Ivy. What and where you attach yourself, there you die. The illusive sense of ego must be transcended. Let go of it and there will be no one above, no one below. Thou art that... The journey could not have been anything less than overwhelming and almost always disastrous. Now the grandiose finale beckons.

22. On pruning.

Yet this, if anything, is just the beginning. I have dedicated two morning coffees to reflections about this epiphany and I am beginning to think that I may be neither crazy nor ignorant enough to attack the reigning cosmology in order to replace it with one which, on account of our long and persistent attachments, would have to present itself so outrageously wacky that no one would give it a serious thought. Eg., man would have to start by recognizing that the resources of this phenomenal planet are too precious if not altogether unique in the universe to be squandered along basic principles of natural evolution and corporate profit. Although we have the scientific means to replace nature's approach which is profligate and presently unjustifiable we still promote it and with it--population growth--only because it satisfies natural physical desires and insures economic expansion and wealth for our shepherds... (actually, We the people, are industrially farmed consumers). Anyways, with our present technology and with ethical and spiritual growth as an end, at least 90% of humanity is expendable and it would have never got here in the first place had we not been so tardy and reluctant in recognizing and obeying our higher priorities. .... If we continue to gallop towards this Luna Park theme and ignore these great means and higher potential it is almost certain that nature will find a brutal way to penalize us and set us back and on course. So to strive for rational selection and ethical goals we will have to abandon all our comfortable illusions, cherished inferior values and pleasure-directed bad habits.

23. We the people, are industrially farmed consumers... (You said this in the previous paragraph.)

24. A Christian is almost always someone with a large lollypop and a small cross... Usually hanging somewhere doubling as an adornment. To be a Christian in this world can only mean one of two things: you are in the pits of despair... or you are a hypocrite...

25. The next leap...will come after the big crunch and if the earth is too precious a site for a feedlot, the new generations will be too precious to be reared by parents. Leaping with old baggage would merely insure that natural selection can resume operating as usual once the dust has settled, to the delight of people like Edward Bernays and the chance to switch to Rational Selection will be lost. The thing is that natural selection operates on a system based on selective love (family-group, nation etc.) that promotes competition between genes carriers and their supporting affiliations. As technology advances and population increases, conflict which today is irrational of itself, simply escalates to obscene proportions. The baggage to be left behind will of necessity zero in on those elements that by our nature are designed to provide the greatest motivation and pleasure in order to establish a launching pad for more abstract ends and pleasures. Every mother in the world naturally favours her own, so does the family and so on. We know it as Love and we misguidedly and obstinately continue to believe that this emotion is the key to world peace when in effect it has--since the dawn of time--promoted conflict in which natural selection marched on then as it does at present. Yet it is now possible to assign to science the function of selection and be free to forge a new aspiration as the path to the future of mankind.

26. On peace and freedom.

To do great things one needs desire, direction and means, for great good things one must add compassion. But to do right, to do that which embraces and purifies all virtues, one needs only clarity... It is said that on his death bed Goethe was asked what he would like to see more of in the world and that he replied: “More light!” Ask anyone what peace or freedom means and it will become immediately evident that these notions spring from human emotions and desires. Freedom may ultimately evoke some sort of delirium and peace an irrational and unsustainable state of perpetual bliss. Eschewing all emotional human entanglements stands Right. Not righteousness, for this is loaded with self-adulating and religious connotations, but just plain right as in the Eight Noble Truths. I have--only recently--discovered the serenity that envelopes me when I manage to base a decision on neither kindness nor on justice but just on what the particular occasion presents as right. It is (creates? provides?) a wonderful sense of peace and freedom because it is a response to right reason which totally bypasses and thus eliminates the self and its self interest. If I help someone I do not become flushed with goodness, if I give I do not feel blessed, I merely feel released (free and at peace) from a situation which normally would elicit feelings of obligation compassion and then accomplishment. And to do right does not even require means, to do so one requires only basic sustenance… a bowl…and clarity. Of course a bowl, saffron robe do not

27. Si fallor sum-(If I err, I am.) To err is divine temptation. The greater my erring the more vivid my consciousness of being.

28. I am the "other" (someone has figured it out), at 40 cycles per second.

29. It is no wonder that the ways of the Lord are precisely as mysterious and numerous as our necessities and ways of self deception.... And so we will be played with, in the field of Maya until the day we rebel.

30. The following does not seem to make sense this morning...

- Finally, in dreams the dreamer plays all the parts, provides the script and conjures the setting so that something over which he has no control will appear to be happening to him...

It is providing me with an interesting problem. Was I wrong when I wrote it? Am I wrong now? Or is it possible to imagine a condition whereby I may be wrong in both cases? Like... when part of a general underlying insanity. Yeah, like religion, most philosophies or romantic ideals and politics are all elements of the same great spell. And THE BEST of all, the most formidable (I will say it just once more) Love! - which we passionately believe will solve our world's problems when in fact it fosters them, and so becomes the most unavoidable recurrent and ruinous solution...

31. How screwed up are we? -What manner of clowns we are is currently demonstrated in South Africa. History records our senseless savagery. And how obscenely misguided our imagination can be is clear in that we have conceived and promoted the belief of a place of eternal torment. N.b. "Blessed" is the name of one enemy. and Yeah! Love, that gentle might that bids petals to open in spring, will also launch a thousand ships. Or, I suppose, I.B.Ms nowadays...

32. I can't have a purpose and be free at the same time, alas the contrary is also true. So, to be free is a very depressing state. Unless you have power...

33. I find that as a writer it is not possible for me to be honest without being seditious, sacrilegious and obscene, which is just as I was when I was an arrogant young idiot. It seems then that the world has caught up with me...

34. I have to sing my song. Not a medley and not to entertain. Not because it is that good or better than anyone else's, but just because it is a song, it is my song, and no one else's.

35. ... as a writer that means writing spontaneously, never censoring anything later on for whatever reason and with no reader, no critic, and no success or failure in mind.

36. Freedom without power can only get me time on a park bench. So I had to change my perspective about power, and in degrees, everyone else's...

37. I find that what I have in common with most writers and poets is the species. There are exceptions of course, and recently I found one of a different sort. A young poetess with an old German shepherd visited me, and try as I may...

38. A man of conscience and integrity must be at war with God. An intelligent man, has better things to do.

39. I hardly ever worry about being absurd. The opposite does worry me a lot though, because I have no idea what that might be. Ah! a mason?... A masonic methodist dentist?...

40. In the end my one firm conviction and consolation is that it must be almost as difficult to get everything wrong as it is to get anything right.

41 - You may feel I need chastising and say to me- But where were you when God laid the foundations of the world?
And I would have to reply simply- I am here! --

42- Six billions idiots cannot be right! In nature, high numbers denote high rate of failure, even oysters and puff balls know that.

43- Of gods and madmen the sky is the limit...

44- It is by the power of reason that you will conquer eternity

45- If death -as it seems- is the purpose of life, we must place those insects that sleep in safety till they are ready to come out aND GET THE CYCLE OVER IN ONE ball party day, at the summit of the evolution cycle. Man takes so long to die. Being fast and a restless kind , he takes even longer than a sequoia..

46 - I think that the 3rd law of motion apllies perfectly to our expanding knowledge. it leads us away from us... God like narcissus is awestruck by his image, his fantastic creation, loses himself in it and eventually he is undone only to pop up somewhere else and start all over ..

47- Tere are two orders of logic to go with the two orders of reality, which meet or diverge at the thinking appparatus. Were I to meet god I would have the dickens of a time trying to explain to him what life is like...

48 - In a democracy, freedom is index of the passivity that the institution has been able to cultivate in its constiutuents.

49,- ..But before you take off remember that knowledge gained = innocence lost. every personal gain comports a comparable loss. It is the law. So- Break the law! Do something right with no gain in mind phisical or otherwise. Nay, do only what is right.. Check # 26. Right is not motivated by reward, like pleasure, admiration or love. It isn't even done in response to a sense of duty, it is above beyond morality. It simply is off the scale of our selfcentred measuring and evaluating abits, it is just ! Bonds, loyalties, family, love. country ,security,and pleasure have nothing to do with right thought and action. Those are the things that makes the world go round, and round like a crushing millstone. Right is above and beyond everyithing that this world demands or provides. Its sorce transcend the human and leads itto a superior state... And right- also includes dying at the right time, and with the right attitude. Clinging on and on is lethal. Even preachers popes and saints do that. If you must believe anything at all, believe that you are better than that.

50- Aw shocks! I like to write whatever comes to mind and not worry about appearing as stupid as i am at times, but I hate when I sound like a preacher. If I preach some one should kill me/ It is so easy to slip from saying what you think to preaching it, . In fact methinks there is a preacher lurking inside everyone of us.. .So caveat lector

51- it is hard to know that is right sometimes. some things are more right than others. I have beem on the razor edgem of a dilemma with my family. I consider family and love to be the base of all human activities from discriminating to genocide. Family- tribe- society- nations are the marching gears of natural selection. as Schopenhauert suggests, this system of competing for resources and insuring one's own and one's beloved and allies survival by prevailing we comply with nature's amoral strategy whereby each one becoms the devil of the other. So I have withdrown. to a minute distant outpost ... my self.

52- But a touch of pity turns the animal into a monster.
SO do not lie there! Do not lie down in it!
Ride!... RIDE it! Ride your damn coffin over the borderlands...

53 -There were times that -like most clever idiots- I was blinded by my brilliance. Other times, I was blinded by other's brilliance. E.G Ronald reagan stating so persuasively : " THere is no susbstitute for victory!" I went through that stage soon after I was house trained as a fascist trainee. Not long after that I lost the war and found out that one must be,,, circumspect with brilliant logic or rethoric. Brilliance has finally set beyond the horizon of logic and i am starting to distinguish something totally different! Sure enough I am diffident. But i will pass on what I seem to discern, so that some of you may take advantage if possible or kindly warn me of a late bloomin kind of blindness.

54-Maybe always conveys its meaning with the greatest of certainty

55- I am beginning to think that wisdom has a top limit and it bothers me that try as I may I cannot find a way to say the same thing for stupidity at the other end it...

56 - .I am a broken promise...

57 -You cannot have a purpose and be free...

58 -And the opposite, freedom without a purpose would be meaningless...or worse.....

59 - A man for change is a lonely self motivated creature. So it should be, the opposite is clearly true.

60 - Pain alters the value of time

61 My personal existence is inversely proportionate to my detachment from existence. I take this to be the meaning and only possible application of the greatest imperative: Man must die and be reborn. This is the exhortation to break the evil spell to which he is confirmed by his own nature to the most blinding and pernicious of all truths, That love, which he considers his greatest attribute, a divine gift and the sure way to redemption, permits him and wills him to commit the most brutal acts against his fellow man. Unless man is able to subdue this dark passion and dedicate himself to a logical and stoical administration of what is just, his folly will continue to produce iniquities, greater strife, more murderous wars and inevitably drive him to his final and total self destruction.

62 There js nothing that a good writer cannot write which a good reader cannot read, I am counting on it!

63 an athletica mind will behave like an athletic body. It will run when there is no hurry and lifet when there is no need. and so if you sre thinking of bargaining your way to heaven, you are not Heaven's material. So forget about cleverness because....

64 Victors beware!

e is becoming the art of erring in the future, and I just got the hang of making a mess of the present.. But I think I do so with left over material from my best, albeit limited, personal successes. 
76-  They have figured out that what caused the big bang was a couple of braines. NOW I want to know where they came from! 
75 - Bis:  Six billion idiots cannot be right!... If evolution is the way nature works out problems, those values  and aspirations that the great majority share, must be vain,  and the methods employed, wrong. 
74- i forget!..oh yeah!  scientists are churning out dimensions and universes and i am still trying to figure out if there are any at all....  Life could be a theatrical representation of mind's reveries complete with  real special effects.  A story played out in  a  language. that , unlike spoken language which uses metaphores .to cvommunicate  action and  concepts, it  vivifies those events and concepts on a stage where interpreters completey isdentify  with the characters and the drama. 
73  So much darkness and foisted choices.
72  between pleasure and fear woeful is the balance
71 - Everything is possible and nothing is certain. That is why everything is possible.
70-  I was born locked inside a vehicle in the middle of a global demolition derby  
69 - When I move I rearrange the universe.
 68-  Infinity has nothing to do with space.  Eternity nothing to do with time. 
67-  lastlly, the cosmos comes with a lot of failures, detritus, pain, garbage, mendacities and illusions,  lots of these with your gullible complicity.
66-  science say that When matter is created an equal amount of antimatter is also created.. Zeitgeist is the latest  demonstration  that this symmetry is operating when fantasy matches our best attempts to consolidate reality. 
 65 If the big bang was planned, God, among other things, started out as a pyromaniac.  sheeesh!

unless, lest I be brahma  I have failed...     that doesn't  make sense now!  Or does it? I wonder what I had in mind? 

27 February 2011

The Revolution No One Noticed

Letter from C to E:

We have changed role entirely from mainly producers to consumers with all kind of interesting consequences of governmenting. common folk were viewed throughout history, dark ages, rinascimento and much of the industrial revolution up to my own youth mainly as labourers, manpower, producers . To be profitable man of burden had to be kept only as a marginal consumer, as marginal as possible as a matter of fact. As a consumer of some import it was thought, a labourer would require higher wages thus by the same token undermining his profitability just as a horse might do if it required expensive food maintenance or even expensive amenities. ( it turned out as we will see, that what was necessary for industry and commerce to increase consumership and profit exponentially, all the world needed was a major crisis and a maqjor shift in the direction of commerce from vertical to lateral, but lets follow the event qs I witnessed them ) Over time (2000 years or so) all kinds of social , bureaucratic and financial obstacles were implemented with the aim of keeping man's wage labour ( as inexpensive as possible. Custom levies and new taxes were constantly contrived to make workers unable to consume more than the minimum necessary. Commerce even between adjoining towns was discouraged by levies taxing the movement of goods. In France Windows were taxed and once on returning from Italy to Canada a customs officer went through all the labels on my clothes and considered charging me tax on a sweater that my mother had hand knit for me from wool recicled from old sweaters which i had bought in Canada. it was incredibly hard for Honeymooners- even in the fifties to acquire anything superfluous... And look at the households now! the hoarding phenomenon an epidemic! A garbage collector in Italy in the fifties , would come to via Mascia Scala once a week with a linen bag the size of a mailbag, walk up to the fourth floor and start collecting the garbage of fourteen families. When he was done the bag , about the size of a regular garbage bag, was not quite full. I figure from that that i produce at least 25 times the waste I was producing in the 50s and waste is our number one industry. I think that up to the fifties mass production was far from reaching its potential and preventing labourer from sharing in the benefits because all those historical controls aimed at keeing labour cheap were still in effect. .. I overlooked many details, but one thing is evident when you go to Europe now you are not bothered by customs Here, in north America they are slack but still hanging on to a now ridiculous practice. Ridiculous and counterproductive it was even sixty years ago. For example goods were taxed purportedly to protect local industry, even on goods that where not produced in these countries.
More: You had to apply for permits for almost anything, people were really under the thumbs, Italians who (like Braceros) migrated seasonally to France, had a percentage of their wages deducted for the Vatican, and for the Italian government among a dozen other deductions. It was really impossible to get ahead of the game, and people who worked in factories, mines, and mills at first, were kept on starvation wages. 16 tons and what have you got?! The fear of communism started loosening up things, then, big ships and containers really got it going. I was on a train going through the south of France mid fifties, it was moonless night, farms and villages rolling by hardly visible not one light bulb burning in the night. Even fair size towns were completely immersed in darkness. Me with my head leaning against the window with just a night light in the cabin barely enough to make a feeble reflection of me and the cabin on the glass through which i wasobserving the landscape rolling ny ghostlike, less substantial then the reflections on the glass. Houses seemed strangely blind. Towns were so weirdly absent and desolidified. I was watching another town go by ... =it is funny because a dog sleeping is a still a dog, and so a man, but a house or a town sleeping is something strange... anyway was going by another ghostly town and then I bolted! there was light at one window! ONE ROOM WAS LIT UP!!!

Just to fill the insomniac wee hours, am thinking more about the evolution of mass transport and commerce. Cheap oil and then the Suez canal crisis caused ships to grow to immense size and these immense size ships engendered containers. , and what originally was commerce that moved products as much as possible only upwards, from the lower level labour classes upwards to higher classes and higher wage earner with as little as possible lateral distance. With the exception of such goods as spices silk, luxury items and of essential durable goods such as salt and grains the industrial revolution was idling.. We still measure grains by the bushel, and I saw in late 40s in Salerno a small freighter being loaded by the bushel, up on the run they trudged on springy planks which inclined less and less as the vessel slowly and painfully sank deeper. Transport increased a lot after the second war thanks to a plethora of ex navy transport ships, The oil fields had expanded too by the war and kept on going so that now- shortly after WW2, a low wage earner in japan and could pay for his expensive necessary imported goods by producing very cheaply whatever they could and exporting transversely to higher wage earners across the ocean. I, for instance, tried to save a tin toy car made in japan from KP ration tin cans of Campbell chicken nodule soup. You could peer inside the little windows and see it printed on the tin which was therefore turned inside out for the use. Campbell chicken noodle soup interior. Movement of goods was primarily upward and secondarily sideways. . , so that now we have fresh fruit from Chile while once we only got bananas and citrus fruits in the winter. So really the watershed for commerce was the Suez Crisis. Before that if Ford built a plant for cars and trucks in Trieste, the intended market was strictly local,,,, and for cars and large equipment I imagine it is still so, but the basic material may now come from across the ocean and the finished product return there. I suppose some commerce may have been circular in between the two wars, but now it runs to enormous volume on oil and supertankers and ships, so much so that commerce now is primarily lateral. That is a revolution (in its true sense) that has affected all kinds of old customs and bureaucracies. When politician are forced to deal with this enormous shift and they talk of protecting their constituents vanishing jobs with protective tariffs, they are pissing against the wind. So there, but anyways I am sure this material (of which we are the shiny nice smelling tattooed and ear ringed product is available from expert sources. these here above was just the product of insomnia and an old man that learned to figure out things as much as possible in his own elementary way.
Good night.

22 February 2011

Courons à l'onde en rejaillir vivant!

O my soul, seek not after immortal life, but exhaust the realm of the possible. Pindar, Pythics, III

[We are these spaces]

The hidden dead are well off in the dirt;
Warming them, it keeps their mystery dry.
Noon up above, noon without movement
In self-absorbed creation of yourself...
Perfected head and perfect diadem,

I am what's changing secretly in you.

[We are these spaces]

14 February 2011

Hæc cum dixisset, voce magna clamavit: "Lazare, veni foras"


Lazarus, tearing the stinky shroud off of himself: “Jesus Christ! What the fuck did you do that for?”

lazarus part 2 (optional)

Jesus walked away silently as he was troubled. This miracle business was a big disappointment to him right from the start. The people in Canaan went ballistic when they realized their precious supply of fresh water was gone. He and his disciples had to flee for their life when the guy who owned all those pigs came after them. And then the blind and the lame got back to him complaining that it was hard for them to get a job now and impossible to get alms. About the only one that might have worked was the one of the fish-burgers in the desert, but then the grumbling started. If it was so easy for him to do that why couldn’t he do it every day? Yeah! Like he should open Big Macs all over the place! That would get both business and labor on his case. No, maybe Lazarus had been better off resting in peace, and if he had to report back to Him who had sent him right at that moment, he would have to be honest and recommend that He should mind his own business... And walking on water!... What the hell was I thinking?


C writes:

Eric the Rusty to me
show details 10:49 PM (14 hours ago)


HAHAH this is hignlarious ..

and.. Ululating!

One of my favourite all time words

Just woked up from a terrible dream, and then sleep paralysis.. Ever had that?
You can,t move , paralyzed, terrifying, you feel like you cant breathe. lying there e nothing you can do
can't even yell i wantedto yelll JEFFFROO HLELLPPP -- could not! anyway afer it wore off i thought i had a fever
but t was a terrible cold sweat kind of thingg and i was shaking.. Now i am getting worter

i will read more tomororow and answer your thread

On 21 January 2011 12:03, claudio ianora wrote:

ugh! (WORK IN PROGRESS, I load it here because in my comfuter it isn't safe) o go away! come back another day!!! Hell don't even bother, chances are you are better off with all the others.... go to sweet hell! I am on a roll and I don;t give a shit.

Eeeeh God! you get that too? I had it once and i am still scared! Flummoxed to death!

I have got to use this psycotopeic word you just gave me! New, new to me anyways and thus a fifty-fifty chance of being true to start with to which then you must add the quantum plus that makes it virtually true. Nice word! Top of my list of such indispensible an remarkable words. You can put it on Jeffro when you advise him about women again. I will use it on the rooster on the roof of the old Toyota on calle 44 just outside the hotel Lilli. Lilli hotel!!! you see? I am not making this up! He looked flummoxed too I can tell you that! Even not knowing exactly what flummoxed means. I mean you don't have to know what flummoxed means, it is a perfect word, it does not even belong to language, or any categories, not any class. It should not be official, it is not even a word is a paraword or metasound, it should be unlisted not pigeonholed in a dictionary. You feel the effect directly. Not like a picture or the memory of a picture, or something like that. It is an incisive, immediate an osmotically invasive experience in a word! You say it and you are plunged in its tourbinous element outside of space/time. you light up with it like a bulb lights up with light when it is switched on. And yet… it is like a black hole too! Because the moment you conjure it, everything is sucked into it, like you and everything I mean. That is why I didn’t like this precise invasive, melding look of the stupid scrawny bird tied on a leash on the hot roof in the hot sun watching his own shit bake on the hot metal. Like it turned to chalk right in front of his eyes. Baked while he stood there. And he looked straight at me and me at him, we locked eyes, and we were flummoxed together for a moment and the whole stupid scrambling, rolling and roaring Mexican town was flummoxed! It and everything went and got sucked into it like we had accidentally flushed it and the whole stupid banging and spinning universe down the stupid cosmic toilet! To a stupid mirror image dimension I suppose... you can't get rid of anything you know. Like up… no it went up, no down, down the sphincter and the colon to the large intestine maybe full of Mexican food. Oh God , no, not that! . I am eating stupid Mexican breakfast right now, no.. not now! Now then when I was drafting this I was eating this horrible looking revolting shit that has that quantum taste of what it is about to become before I even get it down the gullet to that other dimension. A!... You know what? There is hardly anything in this wide stupid world that does not bother me by now ... Even the nice things bother me, because I now know why they are nice or give pleasure , like this itch i have for over a month, and it sn't even that bad now, but it bilds up in and around the arse hole and it pitches me against my arse hole, it is so intense! Things have a reason and a purpose you know, but hell if I know what the purpose of a very itchy arse hole can be, except of course to make me scratch it, which i refuse to because then the pleasure is as intense as some of the best orgasms I have had in my life. And I am trying to be stoic, like Anthistene but then after my morning dump, or what I refer to my morning deposit and only net contribution i make to Gaia I have to whipe it, and I am in love! Flummoxedly in love. But that flummoxed look that the stupid stupid rooster gave me bothers me more than anything for some reason. I mean, sure I walked there under the hot sun see if he was still there. And yes, I did remember the whole thing was so stupid that it bothered me even then, years ago, the first time I looked at it that is. So I knew or should have known what I was getting into. But hell! I usually know that most of the time, and that never stopped me from going right ahead and do things that I know are stupid. And so how could something that I had come 4000 miles to see in the first place, stop me from walking a few blocks just because I know it is stupid? How the hell did I and Adam get nipples in the first place? And were not those stupid zealous painters and schoolmen so flummoxed thinking about it and trying to decide - if it was up to them to decide- whether to paint the little suckers on Adam as he and Eve and a couple of fig leaves were evicted by an archangel of all things! A bouncer or a sheriff with wings and a flaming sword chasing them poor things with tits and everything they needed to insure that they would mess it all up for all of us forever! So I am trying to say is , that, why do we pick on something stupid when everything else around the stupid thing before and after and through out all the quadrants is really stupid if you care to find out and not just make yourself stupid instead in order to get all those stupid things to make sense all of a sudden. But you go for it , and I know why too, and I can’t really blame you… Hell yeah! I mean where would you have to start to fix all this mess? And How? And even Why? Why is really what you want to know if you feel you have to do something about it. Why is it all wrong and why should you fix it when is so much easier to play dumb ? I learned from Eric that the fundamental question is why and that we are clever so we get suckered into trying to figure out how instead. It changed my life. So I knew that the whole thing was so stupid that I would likely be bothered again for many years, even if that was not- maybe not exactly, the same stupid bird! I could not tell and it would not matter… So.. where was I ?... And Why does this thing not allow me to make mistakes! That bothers me too. Anyways-sss! O.K. Since we cannot do anything about this crazy dispensation let us have a little fun with it! A little irreverence is religious, a lot is sintly. And , yeah, I could not tell and I have a feeling, just a feeling mind you… yeah , no ! A really strong feeling actually, that maybe he can’t tell either! what is reality, time, quantum even, when you are a rooster and for some reason you have to spend every day of your life tied up on the roof of a stupid old Toyota in the middle of a stupid Mexican town watching your shit bake to white and maybe wondering about the meaning of life, because you have all day, and you don’t really know- I don’t think… nothing, nothing at all! But this guy, this stupid looking old man (meaning- me), stopped right there! Where I could not help seeing him right in front of me! Big and old and white like baked chicken shit….

Shit I need a break! I am in a bouncing WestJet plane laughing and bouncing and farthing and crying and bouncing around like stupid and I am getting cramps on my side!

I caught the stupid bird' attention as he stood there looking flummoxed in the middle of his daily filology maybe, up there on the hot roof and maybe he was getting to the eight noble truths. Maybe , I mean I don't know nothing too, so he looked at me like maybe I was it ! The meaning of life standing there while in reality the only stupid guy who knew a bit of why that stupid rooster was tied on the roof every morning and was driven to the calle 44 just above the Stupid Lilli hotel was sitting on the threshold of his store smiling happily because he was the only one in the world with a rooster on the roof of his car. And you should see the rooster lean into a curve and double clutch with his feet when changing gears and using his wings just enough when he had to stop for the red light with the stupid driver inside and the tourist taking pictures and running to catch him at the light so that when they got back lo Iowa or wherever they could show their stupid pitcture to the the farmer nex door, who maybe had a big fat american kind of roosters and anyway like I was saying the stupid guy who owned the life of that rooster drove to his shop, parked the car with the rooster by his store and leaned back on his lounge chair with his harms crossed on his his belly happy with himself.Happy with the interest he created and proud of it like he had just invented sliced bread. The stupid rooster did not even know that little bit of filology. I mean When the stupid man had that brain storm it must have been like the day of creation, and now just like God he sits there with his arms crossed on his belly and enjoys the fruit of his labour, and me and the bird are flummoxed. Subject object and flummox. I don't feel good about it at all, and it isn't that I care that much for that bird, it is that he looked at me and me at him and I don't know who looked more stupid, if me or him. Or God sitting on his ass at the entrance of his shop enjoying his creation. Hell I wish I had not gone all the way there to get flummoxed, I get flummoxed enough as it is let me tell you, and but then hell I know how stupid I am and I know that had I not gone there to see if the stupid scrawny bird was there still I would have regretted it later. No, I just had to go and thats that!. Now,where ever I will be, I will know that that rooster was still there. I also know that this story is going to cause some reflections, insights, theories, hipothemuses and who knows what as long as i live and my mind drifts to that combination and sequence of neuron fireworks and I am blinked back there.. and maybe it is good, I mean the stupid bird may not think that yet. I mean it is a hell of an unatural experience, so it must cause him some deep thoughts deep inside him where it is so dark that you cannot even make out a big wall that you know is there because you feel it is there. And just when youn think maybe it isn't there after all and you were wrong about it- Bang! you bang your head against the stupid wall that you damn well knew it was there! But I tell you that bird may have had so much of it, I mean he must have been driven to such mental strain that he might have figured it all by the time I got there.... shit he the stupid looking rooster on the old toyota roof may have figured out the meaning of life! Shit ! I feel even worsse now, because I have no idea, and he can not write it, he cannot go down to the zocalo and e-mail it to me becaue among other things, and the principal reason that he cannot do that, is that he is tied to the roof of the stupid toyota and so be as it may the stupid answer to the meaning of life is tied with him every morning just a couple of doors up from the hotel Lilli... so I a can only speculate what if he did, imagine, theorize, and it isn't easy because as bad as it can get for me it is never like driving everymorning though this cahos to stand flummoxed there all day in the hot sun which must be conducive to deep thinking no matter how stupid a bird you were originally designated to be, when the whole ordeal of a genial idea took over your destiny. So he sais to himself, life is shit baking to white on a hot roof of a toyota. And I was a bird but then the bird was made word, and the life of a verb is just liturgy. A toyota book sitting in the hot sun and the book of the word is on fire and this stupid guy come and stands there looking really flummoxed and he doesnt move for the longest time, and now -says the stupid bird, I am not sure anymore... has this stupid white old man figured it all out? I am just not sure now...damn!

Twin halves anon of one august event

There is nothing that a good writer cannot write which a good reader cannot read

05 February 2011

The Force

My cat regularly manifests his attunement with the Force! He will appear and very simply sit down facing the door and in a matter of a few seconds i am overcome with a powerful urge to open the door. The Force can have incredible influence over the weak-minded, and my cat knows it

Cartesian Dreams


I have been writhing - with the intention to post it here - a long essay about some of the ideas raised in the recent film Inception. In digging for some point or other that Descartes made regarding dream in his Meditation i tripped over a tidy little piece entitled, Descartes, Dreams and the Philosophy Behind Inception. It includes reference to a couple of notions i am exploring in my essay. There is much more "philosophy" i intend to draw on, hidden, perhaps unknown to itself, in that very deceptively "Hollywoodish" movie.

A Statement Was In Order


And so i meditate on the latest incarnation of human folly. Mubarak, clinging on to power with estimated 40 to 80 thousand million dollars waiting in Swiss banks and I remember Markos and all the other zucche vuote and I am brought back to 1954 - the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Montreal was taken over almost completely by the Molson family for half of their daughter’s wedding ceremony to Sterling Moss I believe. The other half to be held later that afternoon and evening on the lawn of their residence under a big top . I was a waiter, in a small staff bathroom with two other Extras - Two Checks I believe - following instructions from an unknown source , which had us carry boxes of Heidzeck extra dry champagne to the bathroom, open each bottle and quickly settle them upside down in the toilet bowl and the small sink, to drain them and thus add empties to those actually consumed in that occasion and others that had been shrewdly collected

by the main bar in anticipation of this coming event. All of these would be added to the total of the bill of which we- the staff- would be entitled a small percentage as tip. We had a vested interest in the flow of the merry fluid and so we work furiously for a couple of hours. Alas, the bobbles did not drain at all but billowed up and then overflowed down to the floor where it slowly converted into flowing liquid which flowed down the stairs for two or three floors which caused one of the cooks carrying a silver tray of some Lucullian presentation heading for the head table, to slip and fall and the colorful verbal sequence that follow. A swiss guy the name Canova, who had apparently just arrived to this country and was hired for the first time as a bus boy, in a moment of relative calm told me rather timidly that he was hungry. In the middle of such a cornucopia cycle which gathered in the caldera of the kitchen where Chef Demerse barking orders into the microphone to the various sections of the vast kitchen and caravans of flummoxed waiters arriving to load up and then heading off in different directions with petit fours, antipastos, main courses etc here was a shy creature going hungry! I was infuriated! So incensed in fact that I decided not to just procure him a plate of food and let him satisfy only his hunger. I felt that a statement was in order. So I ordered him to follow me. I marched up to the Oval Room where the main party was being served and then with him in tow marched on right to the head table where not only the married couple their families and best this and that where presiding but where a long line of large silver trays with the most sumptuous presentation of culinary art were stationed and choosing what in my judgment seemed the must succulent delicacies that he and I had ever seen I grabbed it, and him with eyes popping out of his head and somewhat stunned followed me to a back storage room where I ordered him to sit on one of the few chairs remaining there, placed the tray on his lap and raucously ordered him to EAT! And left him there.

04 February 2011

Logion 60


Pain alters the value of time

Life is Life

I batteri della nostra flora intestinale possano avere un effetto sulla psiche, è una vera novità. not for me!

There is a brain in the stomach... There is the largest concentration of brain cells (neurons) in the gut, outside of the head.. It is often called the enteric brain
(There are others flowing all through the body)

Now the question becomes, is the stomach the brain's way to fuel itself, or is the brain the stomach's way to find fuel ?

we are an ORGAN ism
and so is everything mm but i am blabblign sorry blublhblubbluh

actually, in the Book of Maybes i suggested that we started out as a colony (like corals) all doing the same thing, then somehow organized to groups of different functions,.there does not seem to me that there could be another set of links from the simple protozoa to the complex higher species. what do you think?

I have no idea

Life is unbelievable

03 February 2011

The Plaint of the Lonely Leaf on the Tree of Life

From -The horizon dialogue

Eric the Rusty to me

RE: 2)-"Does believing you're the last sane man on the planet make you

crazy?" - Del Spooner.

me- Not as much as believing you're the first. So let him know there is

one crazier than he and let him figure out if that is good for him.

-HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! I can't even figure this out. But i know that's

because it's brilliant.

Vi veri vniversvm vivvs vici

me -translate please

-That's from Faustus by way of V for Vendetta, remember?

By the power of truth the universe, i, living, have conquered.

It is written above V's mirror that Eve is polishing if i remember correctly

me - Wonderful! Yes! Yes! The opposite alas is the status quo.! That is why I think that the 3rd law of motion apllies perfectly to our expanding knowledge. it leads us away from us... God like narcissus is awestruck by his image...mmmm, his dream... ugh do I have to explain?.... Actually I want to put it into words …. the fewest possible... Ach… no.

- Eric: Eureka! Narcisssus yes! i get it i get it ... To me you just explained it perfectly. Nothing more need be said..

Sent at 1:43 PM on Wednesday

-me: … God sees that it is marvellous and he loses himself in it. From there on the way back is unthinkable. Barred by the most forbidden beatitude; Death. Only he can return and only one way …to tear himself away from his own creation... from his self ..etc I guess it computes with you.

. -me: I did I did! Darn it! I got ;lost in it and I burned a pot of pasta ef pasta e fagioli... no wonder I am stuck on this plane, the truth must not get in the garden of eartly delights. Dammn it,! Was Good pasta e fagioli though...

Sent at 2:22 PM on Wednesday

-me: no one was here before , enjoy the view!

Sent at 2:31 PM on Wednesday

-me Thr is work to do!...imagine a leaf with only sufficient consciousness to match its function, In the fall it feels it is dying

01 February 2011


Do not know of any intellectuals that went to Cuba, unless you count Michael Moore. But he didn't stay there, he was just showing off.. Albeit, that is almost the best scene in any of his movies

Maybe we should be the first intellectuals to go there? Hmm but i do know they have a better rate of literacy, more happiness, and same life expectancy, than people in United States. The United States suffered the old yoke: to be great

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