Nothing is that
31 January 2011
Gameteus vs homunculus
I said to them- Here I am and there you are! Or so it seems because I can see you hear you and touch you, plus I have an endless lines of homunculi ready to attest to this seeing and touching of mine. I see and feel your presence which in turn intimates my presence, and my feeling and seeing . but suppose that your form is not visually experienced and analyzed by me but through me by nature itself? By my nature in fact , and that comparatively speaking you have an easier assignment, yet complex and difficult as my case can be , for me just as for you, it may be already decided what should be my response to you or anything else in base to nature’s plan and only in this context and function will I, virtually or vicariously be made to experience an appropriate vision of it . Suppose that the basic difference between living entities is indeed the different way that they procure sustenance and reproduce, then Nature in a tree will make simple arrangements to move upwards. In a tendril . it will arrest the growth of the molecules that feel a shadow line, in a sunflower it will twist, in you it will seek shade to ruminate, in me it may have to do all kinds of different things . Deceivingly simple things. Even as simple as to direct a hand to a knob and then it might even be moved poetically to see and feel a glint of October on the burnished brass. Just imagine, you sit there in the shade a chew the cud, but not you. And nature in me poetize it may, but not me . For now, Gameteus as you , will just go along for the ride.
I once introduced myself to a bunch of cows as Gameteus. Gameteus being the concept that I , as well any other living consciousness , represent half of all creation. The Conscious half of it to be exact. On one side of this Ying-yang grand play is the infinite universe, on the other, the infinite mind. In other words I am what nature does or has so far realized in her effort to attain its optimal state. This idea, if nothing else has the advantage to do away with the ridiculously repetitive and frustrating homunculus argument. As Gameteus, I am no longer the cul the sac of stimuli and responses that I had imagined myself to be. I no longer am a separate entity regarding the rest of the universe in awe and confusion. My seeing , interpreting and reacting to the conditions surrounding me is only the post hoc narrative of a dialogue between the two elements of natures of which I am a conduit and an instrument. Its method differs necessarily from a tree which without narrative reaches for the sun. Gameteus ,as an animated life form necessitates action not only but also anticipation and decision. With it comes a problem, I Gameteus , the conscious half of creation, can only be aware of and be interested in everything that is not really or entirely Gameteus. My function is tied to the dialogue between the two elements and it grows according to their progress. Naturally and probably with good reason, I have not dared to delve into it yet, and probably never will as I lack ability and cannot afford such dedication as it would demand. I suppose it might be proven ridiculous too. But what of it. So it is difficult, however certain things are clear enough at this stage. For one thing it is clear that the tendency for a consciousness unit is to define istelf in contrast to its surrounding and to assume a local consciousness identity fictitious as it may be.
I said to them- Here I am and there you are! Or so it seems because I can see you hear you and touch you, plus I have an endless lines of homunculi ready to attest to this seeing and touching of mine. I see and feel your presence which in turn intimates my presence, and my feeling and seeing . but suppose that your form is not visually experienced and analyzed by me but through me by nature itself? By my nature in fact , and that comparatively speaking you have an easier assignment, yet complex and difficult as my case can be , for me just as for you, it may be already decided what should be my response to you or anything else in base to nature’s plan and only in this context and function will I, virtually or vicariously be made to experience an appropriate vision of it . Suppose that the basic difference between living entities is indeed the different way that they procure sustenance and reproduce, then Nature in a tree will make simple arrangements to move upwards. In a tendril . it will arrest the growth of the molecules that feel a shadow line, in a sunflower it will twist, in you it will seek shade to ruminate, in me it may have to do all kinds of different things . Deceivingly simple things. Even as simple as to direct a hand to a knob and then it might even be moved poetically to see and feel a glint of October on the burnished brass. Just imagine, you sit there in the shade a chew the cud, but not you. And nature in me poetize it may, but not me . For now, Gameteus as you , will just go along for the ride.
30 January 2011
Ezra Pound in Italy In The Ditch With Brahma
the thng is that in order to function we have to walk the tighrope, split things, to focus by blurring out everything else... brahma would be like the centipede in the ditch if he did not become as gameteus.( by the way what do you thnk of my choice, it just popped out and I have a thing about spontaneity even if wrong) anyways si fallor sum is the essence of living, t is brahma becoming stupid towards the whole in order to balance the experience of being a tightroppe walker , they all fall eventually, some -lucky them- jump.. ah this needs a lot of work, seems that I am going to retrieve my lost epiphany peacemeal. HHEEEELLLP!
E made no reply
C writes:
Life is a series of adventures. Each one is unique and exciting. See the world in a new way, like you have never seen it before. You are a wonderful piece of hard candy, a tasty treat. Aladdin’s lamp was never so wonderful as you. You create life out of your imagination, and fill it with excitement. Children, pets, friends and loved ones notice, and gather around to see. See? Here they come now!
THIS is not me... you directed my focus to what for years i have considered the main, the fundamental flaw with life without which life as we know (or don't know ) would not be possible. -ahh do you have aany idea what I am getting at?
E writes:
I thoiught i got what you were getting at but then my getting got ungetted by the time i finished
(...speaking of life...)
PS thanks for this..! :-/
C writes:
hahhaha ! Very good! lovely
in the Book of Maybes I suggested thta to be omnipotent means that you cannot do anything, omniscient that you cannot know anything and so on, extrapolating from that- to know one thing to be true you invalidate everything else that does not immediately pertain to it. Say you are a state of omnipotence, GOD, to do any one thing you must give up being omnipotent.
I remember '53, mtl, the shriers where in town, a big parade on sherbrook, I was lucky to happen there when the shriner's big band was going by the ritz carlton, the leader of the bband, gave the signal and in unison evey musician started playing a different tune. I thout it was marvellous.!
E writes:
HAHA! Excellent!
This is connected.. I am watchign Immortal Beloved fior the umpteenth time
, LUdwign says to Shcindler [in reference to "Kreutzer"... ] Do you like it?
Schindler says, "Shh! "
Beethovem says, I cannot hear them,, but i know they are making a hash of it. What d you think? Music is.. .a dreadful thing. What is it? I don't understand it. What does it mean?
Schinlder says, It - it exalts the soul.
BEETHOVEN ansawers:
Utter nonsense. If you hear a marching band, is your soul exalted? No, you march. If you hear a waltz, you dance. If you hear a mass, you take communion. It is the power of music to carry one directly into the mental state of the composer. The listener has no choice. It is like hypnotism. So, now... What was in my mind when I wrote this? Hmm? A man is trying to reach his lover. His carriage has broken down in the rain. The wheels stuck in the mud. She will only wait so long. This... is the sound of his agitation. "This is how it is... ," the music is saying. "Not how you are used to being. Not how you are used to thinking. But like this."
In aulae scolarum
the oldest -what i would call *'religious' impulses still have sway, in the halls of mightiest science
(*re-ligo = to re-tie, reconnect, re-bind)
C writes:
the sevent second movement is more than that, i like to see it again...
E writes:
Pound was imprisoned and confined for over a decade. He wrote this and the rest of "The Pisan Cantos" during that time.
"What thou lovest well remains, the rest is dross
What thou lov'st well shall not be reft from thee
What thou lov'st well is thy true heritage
Whose world, or mine or theirs or is it of none?
First came the seen, then thus the palpable Elysium, though it were in the halls of hell,
What thou lovest well is thy true heritage
What thou lov'st well shall not be reft from thee
The ant's a centaur in his dragon world.
Pull down thy vanity,
It is not man made courage, or made order, or made grace,
Pull down thy vanity, I say pull down.
Learn of the green world what can be thy place
In scaled invention or true artistry,
Pull down thy vanity, Paquin pull down!
The green casque has outdone your elegance.
"Master thyself, then others shall thee beare"
Pull down thy vanity
Thou art a beaten dog beneath the hail,
A swollen magpie in a fitful sun,
Half black, half white
Nor knowst'ou wing from tail
Pull down thy vanity
How mean thy hates
Fostered in falsity,
Pull down thy vanity,
Rathe to destroy, niggard in charity,
Pull down thy vanity, I say pull down.
But to have done instead of not doing
This is not vanity
To have, with decency, knocked
That a Blunt should open
To have gathered from the air a live tradition
or from a fine old eye the unconquered flame
this is not vanity.
Here error is all in the not done,
all in the diffidence that faltered . . ."
C writes:
great, i was in a panic, doing two at the\ same time nly happens to me by accident, and accidents cannot be duplicated, and i wanted the script as i don't uhnderstand him mostly. and yes , ammazzali ! Stessing the MMAZZ since you ARE NOT GOING TO.
E writes:
oh then you like it? Here's some more of Pound,k
Le Paradis n'est pas artificiel
but is jagged,
For a flash,
For an hour.
Then agony,
then an hour,
then agony.
C writes:
E writes:
True -- story of Pound was the genesis of the Vonnegut book /film - MOTHER NIGHT -Haoward Campbell
Pound was thinking "It takes a nail to drive out a nail" wha t that omits is that there's now another nail
C writes:
italian proverb - chiodo scaccia chiodo, what all you know!!!q